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Remind 101

Parents and Dancers!

PLEASE make sure you sign up for the Remind 101 service (it's free!) that allows me to send you mass reminders/messages straight to your phones.

The service is free, confidential, and allows me to get in touch with you to remind you of upcoming events, assignments, etc. throughout the year without revealing your personal phone number. It's a great tool!

Here are the instructions for each course:

Camelback Dance Parents: Text 81010 with the message: @cb-parents

Camelback Dancers (ALL CLASSES): Text 81010 with the message: @cbhsdancer

Beginning Dance: Text 81010 with the message: @cbdance1

Intermediate Dance: Text 81010 with the message: @cbintdance

Advanced Dance: Text 81010 with the message: @cbadvanced

Junior Company: Text 81010 with the message: @cbjuniorco

Elite Company: Text 81010 with the message: @cbeliteco

Please sign up for the "ALL CLASSES" and your specific class.

If you need any help with this, please see me ASAP! This is a great resource for you, Students!

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